
Interactions between compliant microcapsules and patterned surfacespatterend surfaces

We study the motion of compliant microcapsules on patterned surfaces in microfluidic devices. The microcapsules represent certain biological cells and polymeric capsules. We study how to design patterned surfaces to regulate capsules’ motion, deliver capsules to specific locations and sort by certain criteria.

Flapping flight with flexible wingsflapping

We study the effect of wing elasticity on the aerodynamics of small, wing-flapping flyers and probe how flexible wings can be used to regulate flyer locomotion and enhance flight performance of micro air vehicles.

Dynamics of lipid membranes

We probe the interactions between lipid bilayers and nanoparticles to design synthetic membranes with stable pores that can be controllably opened and closed. The findings will facilitate the development of novel drug delivery systems.

Thermocapillary flows in liquid filmsthermocapillary

We investigate the stabilization of thin liquid films on a ceiling by the Marangoni effect due to a temperature gradient between the upper and lower walls. The aim of the studies is to enhance the performance of heat exchangers and evaporators.

Collecting lymphatic flows